
We are in the final stretch of the project, immersed in the task of editing the documentary, which we hope to have it finalized in early 2018.

Meanwhile, another  we have had the pleasure to meet, has been the orchard that has the Association Hierbabuena «Asturian organization of, for and by people who know the mental suffering,» located in   http://hierbabuenasaludmental.blogspot.com.es/

It was Ester Abella, the author of the Cuaderno de Campo, Mi Huerto Ecológico https://www.verkami.com/projects/16053-cuaderno-de-campo-mi-huerto-ecologico, which recommended to contact this Asturian association, because they had an .

It seemed to me a fantastic idea, since as I explained at the time, starting to work a , was for me, one of the main escape routes of a stage of emotional suffering in my life, and from the day I started with this documentary project, my great motivation was to be able to transmit to the people the therapeutic capacities of working an orchard.

I spoke with Silvino, the person in charge of the orchard, and he invited me to stop by to meet us. The day I went, we quickly realized that our projects connected perfectly.

This is the piece of land that corresponds to them in the orchards that the Oviedo City Council has in the neighborhood of La Corredoria.

In that first meeting, I also met Esther and Vanessa, who also welcomed me wonderfully. Here they are.

The day we went to record, we also met more people from the association, who usually lend a hand in the garden and who were encouraged to tell us their story.

In the next blog entry, we will tell you our visit to the garden that have the students of the school of , in the Concejo de  .
