We planned to spend a weekend in Vigo and take advantage of the trip to know and record urban agriculture projects. We were pleasantly surprised to realize that, in that city, there are a large number of orchards managed by the Concellería de Medio Ambiente, as well as many other private collectives.

Vigo has been the first city I have ever known in which there is an environmental education program that uses urban gardens as one of its fundamental activities organizing courses and workshops. Until now, I had only heard of cities with public plots in which municipalities rented plots to citizens.

This is the link of the urban gardens in the blog of the municipal program of environmental education of the Concello de Vigo. http://caminoacaminovigo.blogspot.com.es/p/hortas-urbanas-de-vigo.html

I’ve been wanting to get to know a school orchard, I have not been to any of them, but I didn’t know that first I would met Navia’s vegetable garden-school, which is the same, or similar, but with older people. The atmosphere I liked from the beginning. The people I met gave me to understand that it was not difficult for them to be part of the courses organized by La Concellería.

The rain allowed us to record another project in Vigo, but we’ll see that in the next chapter.

Until then.

(My apologies for my English)


