Last month, on the 19th of june we visited «The 967 Colective» in Albacete (Castilla la Mancha). The weather was extremely hot! Almost 40ºC. However, we could resist and this beautiful group of people show us their urban gardening project «Germina que no es poco». The project is located in the city centre, surrounded of buildings and pedestrian streets. There, if you look through a small window from one of the busiest streets you will see life growing!

The 967 Colective are a group of people from 23 to 30 years old. Their backgrounds are engineer and arquitecture, however, they are very multidisciplinary people. Their pretend to bring green urbanism, sostenibility and a more accesible town to the citizens. Therefore, the projects they are involved are a «bridge» between citizens and local government.

The place where they are growing the garden was an abandoned plot owned by the Albacete Arquitect association. Fortunately, the association has decided to allow them to use the place. The project arised as a real necessity of bringing nature and organic agriculture to Albacete downtown.

Before the veggie garden was growing here, this place was covered of waste materials but today, after 2 years of hard work, is a place where tomatoes, lettuces and aromatic herbs are growing, such a lovely and useful idea!!

As well as growing food, the garden is visited by many associations and NGO’s from the city which are developing different tasks in the garden. They use the agriculture and the place to work in group and create community. This place is an oasis to grow and learn between everyone who approach to it.

On top of Germina que no es poco, they have other projects: «Sad plots» is a project that classify abandoned places or forgotten spots in Albacete. Other projects: Euroharvard, Camina o Reinventa, Anda tu ¿por donde?…

Thank you so much Colectivo 967 for your time and sitting with us to explain your project under the hot summer. We wish you all the best to grow your roots!